since the fall of the U.S.S.R.
Terence Hilton-Clarke
economic fallout has been primarily due to two factors: the collapse
of the Soviet Union and the United States embargo. The fall of the U.S.S.R.
led to the loss of trade subsidies. This in turn led to a decline in
both Cuban exports to the U.S.S.R. ( 40%) and Cuban imports ( 38% )
by 1992. In addition, trade with Eastern Europe, which "accounted
for 13 percent of Cuba's trade with the Soviet Bloc, has been largely
terminated." (Purcell). Such events have been responsible for a
dire shortage of supplies - equipment and fuel - which has subsequently
crippled the island's economy. The scarcity of basic provisions such
as food and clothing has involved an increase in rationing, a growth
in black market activity and the incidence of social tension. The embargo
has meant that Castro has been unable to turn to the United States for
The initial fragmentation of the East Bloc in 1989 goaded
Castro into declaring the "special period." This policy involved
a series of reforms that concentrated on domestic food production, the
promotion of tourism and production of biotechnology. However, the aforementioned
global factors have hampered Castro's attempts to salvage the economy
and to maintain social order. The signs of economic breakdown were already
in evidence by 1990. Internal output fell by 17%, whilst the lack of
fuel forced a shutdown of factories.
"The noose of economic stringency tightened in Cuba in 1991."
(Cameron). The
ultimate collapse of the Soviet Union contributed a 25% drop in foreign
trade. Earlier that year Soviet President, Mikhail Gorbachev, declared
that U.S.S.R. - Cuba relations would be based "solely on political
and economic links", while trade "would be based on commercial
interests alone." (Cameron,1992). Meanwhile, increasing shortages
extended to such products as eggs and bread that were rationed for the
first time. The following year, 1992, saw a continuation of the difficulties:
lack of fuel, leading to power cuts, lasting 3 - 4 hours per day; shortages
of basic supplies such as cooking fat and soap emanating from the decision
to cut down on imports and a late commencement of the sugar harvest,
an event that ultimately curbed the eventual production level by 50%
in 1993 - the lowest in 30 years.
In 1993
Fidel Castro started undertaking important domestic reforms in order
to ease the effects of these events on both the economy and society.
In July, the Cuban government legalized the possession of U.S. dollars.
Now, a few privileged citizens would be able to spend the currency in
special shops. Then, in September, Castro authorized private enterprise
in some 100 trades, crafts and services. Among the statutes of this
decree: entrepreneurs would be allowed to directly benefit from their
work and they would be allowed to negotiate prices with clients. Entrepreneurs
would NOT be allowed to hire other people while graduates (especially
doctors and family managers) were to be prohibited from engaging in
private enterprise. (Cameron, 1994). Some of the other reforms instituted
by the Castro administration since 1990 are: the reduction of the fiscal
deficit; the dollarization of the economy, the "pseudo decentralization
and pseudo-debureaucratization" of economic decision making; the
decision to allow market forces to influence prices; the introduction
of the free convertible peso; bonuses for workers in some trades; the
establishment of a few corporate businesses; the freezing of savings
accounts containing over 10.000 pesos and the promotion of foreign investment."
(Castañeda and Montalvan(1994).
The last
of these reforms (foreign investment) seemed to be indicative of a Cuba
movement towards a free market enterprise. By 1994, several countries
had some stake in the island, including Spain, Canada, Mexico and Israel.
To be more specific: at this point the Tel Aviv-based firm, BM Corp.,
were running two citrus-packing houses with a total investment of $
22 million. Meanwhile, Spain's Grupo Sol had a stake of $ 58 million
in the resort industry and Dutch companies were involved in tobacco.
" Of all Western countries involved in trade and investment in
Cuba, Canada is the most active." (Luxner ( 1994). In 1992 Canadian
exports into Cuba totalled $ 114.2 million (mainly wheat, dairy products,
meat and industrial machinery) while Cuban exports to the North American
country (nickel oxides and raw sugar) came to $ 211.9 million. Additionally,
Canada was the leading foreign investor in Cuba's mining operations.The
Cuban Liberty and Solidarity Act (1996) will now serve to constrain
these advancements.
was another sector in which the Cuban government sought investors and
additional revenue. In 1991 the instigation of several tourism projects
" designed to increase foreign exchange earnings and attract one
million visitors by 1995" (Carmeron, 1992) involved an increase
in arrivals (25%) and receipts (39%) during the first quarter of that
year. During 1992 the industry was given a boost when Cuba's membership
into the Caribbean Tourism Organization was approved by the Organization's
board of directors. That year, tourism receipts increased another 23%."
(Cameron, 1993). The early 1990's saw a profusion of Spanish hotel chains.
On November 1, 1993, Iberostar S.A. took over the management of two
266-room hotels - the Hotel Triton and the Hotel Neptuno. By mid 1994,
Cuba had three joint venture hotel projects: the Varadero mega-resorts
into which Grapo Sol invested U.S. $ 78 million, Kawamo Caribbean Hotels
and Posadas de Mexico.
For Sanguinetty,
the major purposes of foreign investments are: to rebuild the economic
capacities of the country, to generate employment (crucial to the restructuring
of the general economy); to rebuild productive capacities " to
satisfy internal demands for goods and to develop a strong export sector."(Sanguinetty,
1994). He also identifies some potential obstacles to investment:"barriers"
which may serve to detract foreign companies. These internal factors
include planning insufficiencies (unreliability of supplies, deplorable
communications, lack of security, government intervention in various
sectors), unfavourable conditions emanating out of the current economic
crisis, a high level of public disorder, widespread malnutrition, extreme
fiscal disequilibrium, and a general atmosphere of instability."(Sanguinetty,
the queue of prospective companies, which were lining up prior to the
Cuban Liberty and Solidarity Act, is indicative of the economic potential
that exists in Cuba at this moment. There are some who certainly see
Cuba becoming a vital component in the regional, economic sphere. Great
overtures have been made via the members of CARICOM and Cuba has a major
role in the Association of Caribbean States (A.C.S.). At the ACS Summit
in Port of Spain, in July 1995, Castro expressed a desire to forge closer
economic links between Cuba and the rest of the Caribbean. For Pregg
and Levine: " The reintegration of Cuba will have substantial impact
throughout the Caribbean regional economy, but the impact will be very
uneven by sector and country. There are also important distinctions
between the short-term adjustments that are likely to take place in
trade and investment patterns and the long-term restructuring of economic
and political relationships." Pregg and Levine, 1993 ).
They go on to envision Cuba's reintegration, stimulating economic growth
within the region as a whole. Finally, they see "the emergence
of Cuba as an active, substantial participant at the centre of the Caribbean
economy," one which " will alter the balance of political
relationships in the region ...." (Pregg and Levine, 1993). Ultimately,
a grouping of Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Venezuela and CARICOM countries
could serve as " a greatly enhanced counterweight grouping"
(Pregg and Levine, 1993) as opposed to NAFTA.
There are
some commentators who view a free market economy as only taking place
in a post-Castro era. Bryan Roberts declares that serious "economic
reform will begin in Cuba only after the current regime has relinquished
power." (Pregg and Levine). In fact, the government has been blamed
for many of the island's economic problems. According to Castañeda
and Montalvan, the economic downfall "is the result of an abrupt
encounter of an inherently inefficient system and over expanded social
services, military and administrative expenditures combined with no
massive external aid. It is also the legacy of drastic allocative and
structural errors and failures, together with the absence of a required
adjustment in the context of a very competitive and dynamic post-Cold
War economic environment ...." (Roberts, 1994). Such sentiments
have also served to highlight the major aim of United States policy
towards Cuba at this moment in time. This is, essentially, the removal
of Fidel Castro from power. For some observers, this is the only way
whereby Cuba will be able to rejoin the economic market. For others,
however, the forced removal of Castro from power can only lead to additional
problems and may even lead to instability, thus prolonging the chances
of a peaceful conciliation. This question will be examined towards the
end of this paper.
II : Cuban Foreign exchange Receipts ( in millions of U.S.dollars)1989-1992
Category |
Total Exports |
5.392 |
4.910 |
3.585 |
2.150 |
Medical Products
Other |
$ 3.914
331 |
$ 3.645
300 |
$ 2.575
275 |
$ 1.250
250 |
Tourism expenditure
c) Remittances
d) Foreign direct investment
e) Economic assistance |
24 |
29 |
30 |
30 |
Table III: Cuban Imports ( in millions of U.S. dollars )
Category |
1989 |
1990 |
1991 |
1992 |
1989-1992 |
Raw materials
Chemical Products
Machinery and Equipment
Other manufactured goods
$ 720
early August 1994 rioting broke out in the streets of Havana, after
police had prevented a ferry loaded with would-be emigrants from leaving
the harbour.
This action led to Castro's announcement on August 7 that, if the United
States did not take "quick and efficient measures to halt the promotion
of illegal departures," the Cuban coast guard "would be instructed not
to prevent people from leaving."(Cameron1995). This
triggered off a mass exodus of Cubans, on board of rafts and other small
craft, bound for Florida. On August 19, U.S. President, Bill Clinton,
sought to stem this flow by announcing that " Cubans arriving in Florida
will no longer be given automatic refugee status."(Cameron, 1995).
Cuban refugees were either returned to the U.S. Naval base at Guantámano
Bay or interred at camps in Panama. In September, following a week of
meetings, the U.S. and Cuba reached an agreement whereby the U.S. agreed
to admit at least 20.000 Cubans in 1994, in line with a decade-old agreement,
and would grant an additional 6.000 visas to Cubans already on the waiting
list. In return, Cuban authorities would restore coastal patrols in
order to prevent people from leaving. This exodus, in itself, is tantamount
to economic problems that the island had suffered through. It is also
indicative of the social impact of this economic strife.
Up to 1994,
more and more people were leaving the island illegally with the number
increasing from 467 in 1990 to 2.549 in 1992. Tremendous pressures have
resulted from the austerity measures taken at the onset of the "special
period" in 1989- 1990. " Priority has been given to the maintenance
of health care and education, the achievement of self-sufficiency in
food production, the expansion of tourism development to obtain hard
currency and the expansion of foreign investment while retaining central
(Griffin, 1992).
This policy has called for great sacrifices. Energy conversation has
been very evident during the early 1990's. Power outages have been a
daily occurrence while bicycles and horse-drawn carts have been superseding
motor vehicles on the streets of the capital. The shortage of basic
supplies and subsequent rationing has encouraged an increase in illegal
activities such as black marketing and petty theft, along with the promotion
of general corruption. The lack of jobs to match educational achievement
has promoted growing unemployment, for which there has been an inability
to provide benefits. The mounting problems have all threatened to debase
the "motivation and discipline" on which the social system thrived.
commitment to the cause and achievements of the revolution still remain
very strong, particularly among the older generation. These achievements
are basically the "cradle-to-grave health care, free and universal health
care and generous social security payments. Castro brought these benefits
to millions who had almost nothing before the revolution.... ' There
is no way you can take away the achievements of the revolution', says
35-year old Pedro Monreal. ' They are instilled on the hard disk of
my generation.' Cubans insist they will manage to keep these benefits
and still revive their shattered economy." (McGeary
and Booth).
It does seem doubtful, though, that this veneration is as widespread
among the younger group of Cubans. While Castro has been able to appeal
to nationalism in his opposition to the United States embargo, this
generation are hoping for a better life. It is this lifestyle that is
being beamed into Cuba daily via the propaganda broadcasts of Radio
and T.V. Martí from Miami. While Cuban authorities have been
able to scramble some of these signals using sophisticated Soviet equipment,
it is the craving for these observed lifestyles that may lead to instability.
This kind of solution may hinder the island's chances of establishing
a free-market economy in the near future.
current stand-off between the United States and Cuba, as it is, will
not serve to improve conditions in Cuba. On the contrary, the United
States policy towards Cuba may only serve to further destabilize an
already fragile social milieu. The Cuban Liberty and Solidarity Act
has proven a tremendous setback in relations between the two countries
which had been improving, if only at a snail's pace.
In October 1995, President Clinton eased travel
restrictions to Cuba by Cuban Americans, academics and members of the
clergy. He encouraged U.S. news organizations to set up offices on the
island and advocated student exchanges between Cuba and the United States.
The Act has now pushed the situation further away from an amiable solution
and closer to a volatile fallout. This comes on the heels of the Cuban
Democracy Act (1992), which also served to strengthen the U.S. embargo
while increasing pressure on Castro through additional measures. The
C.D.A. permits the unrestricted donation of food for humanitarian purpose,
allows for exports of medicines and medical supplies to Cuba, provides
for the upgrading of telephone lines between the United States and Cuba
for the purpose of forging communication linkages between the two countries.
Also, the Act includes provisions for direct U.S. Postal mail delivery
to Cuba and, of course, the tightening of the U.S. embargo. The C.D.A.
fit into the overall scheme of U.S. policy objectives, prior to the
latest Act, which were basically "internal democratic reform, an end
to human rights abuses, and an end to insurgency abroad". (Michael Kozak
{Principal Deputy Secretary of State for Inter-/american
affairs} in a speech reproduced in Castro's Special Period in A Time
of Peace[1990].)
The components of this policy included: the absence
of normal diplomatic relations; the diplomatic isolation of Cuba from
international organizations and from regular bilateral ties with other
countries; the U.S. economic embargo which "aims to deny Cuba the means
to carry out policies inimical to the United States"; the broadcast
of "unbiased news information" to the people in Cuba. (Kosak).
According to Robert G. Torricelli, the main architect
behind the C.D.A. : " It was... the original intention of the Cuban
Democracy Act both to provide incentives to the Government of Cuba to
begin the long-awaited, inevitable process of democratization and isolate
the Castro dictatorship and to promote communication with the people
of the island in the hope they could experience a revolution in democratic
expectations taking place around the world." (Torricelli to Senate Subcommittee
hearing (November 18, 1993).
The Cuban Democracy Act was only a year old when,
in 1993, measures were already being drawn up to strengthen the embargo
even further. The bill, proposed by Congressmen Jesse Helms and Dan
Burton was in response to the continual involvement of foreign companies
doing business in Cuba. According to Lincoln Diaz-Balart at a subcommittee
hearing in February 1995: " The fundamental reason that Castro has been
able to remain in power is because of the assistance and the co-operation
he has received from other nations and their investors .... the bill
that you have introduced in the house of representatives .... will strengthen
the embargo, and directly attack the investments in corroboration with
Castro that some substantial capitalists in the international community
are making in Communist Cuba today." (Diaz-Balart to Senate Subcommittee,
February 23, 1995).
The bill remained dormant in the house for three
years until March 1996 when the shooting down of the two "Brothers to
the Rescue" aircraft prompted the immediate, and rash, passing of it.
its basic form, The Cuban Liberty and Solidarity Act: allows Cuban-Americans
and additional U.S. citizens to sue foreign companies, in American courts,
for damages incurred through the use of U.S. property confiscated by
the Castro Government since January 1, 1959 - this measure aims at "halting
foreign joint ventures with Cuba"; bars from entry into the United States
"aliens using confiscated property claimed by a U.S. national, officers
or shareholders with a controlling interest in firms 'trafficking' in
expropriated properties, and their families" ; puts into law presidential
sanctions which will be suspended upon the imposition of a "transitional"
Cuban government; stifles aid to former Soviet states "equal to their
aid and credits for intelligence facilities in Cuba" and it requires
the U.S. executive directors in such financial institutions such as
the World Bank and International Monetary Fund to oppose loans extended
towards the current regime "until a democratic elected government is
in power."
(Measures cited in Trinidad Guardian Newspaper,
This Act effectively projects Cuban-American relations
onto a different plateau. By codifying past foreign policy (i.e. the
U.S. embargo) into U.S. law, the Act has signified a large-scale commitment
to the removal of Fidel Castro from power, a commitment that now extends,
domestically, into the area of U.S. jurisprudence. Nevertheless, Cuba
has retained international support from Canada, CARICOM and the European
Union (E.U.) who have all condemned this harsh measure.
States policy has not been without the influence of the Cuban-American
element. Since 1960, tens of thousands of Cubans have fled the island.
Most have settled in south Florida with a significant number establishing
themselves in New Jersey. While many members of this community have
found themselves amongst a modest middle class, there is a wealthy group
of Cubans, mostly residing in the city of Miami, who are descendants
of the upper class families who left soon after Castro came into power.
Overall this segment of the American population
has had a significant impact on U.S. policy towards Cuba. Some of the
younger generation of refugees have achieved prominent positions in
the American society. While many have become doctors or lawyers, others,
such as Diaz-Balart, Robert Menendez and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, have worked
their way up the political ladder and are now members of Congress. In
fact, Menendez assisted in the creation of the Cuban Democracy Act.
There have been also many support groups formed
out of this exile community, the most important of which is the Cuban
American National Foundation. This body has thrown its weight behind
many of the foreign policy measures adopted by U.S. governments over
the decades. One member, Francisco Jose Hernandez, went so far as to
declare that "the lifting of the embargo would amount to a betrayal
of the Cuban people's hope for freedom and democracy, a moral Bay of
(Hernandez to Senate Subcommittee, 1994).
Meanwhile, the Foundation's President, Jorge Mas
Canosa, has summed up U.S. policy :"It is up to Fidel Castro to make
his mind up, and think about the Cuban people and think about the nation.
And the day he calls a free and democratic election, I think that we
are all in agreement and have a full consensus. That day the embargo
should be lifted."
(Canosa to Subcommittee, 1995).
it seems very much doubtful as to whether current United States policy
can achieve this goal. It has always been the intention to remove Castro
from power through whatever means, fair or foul. In the 1960's, several
attempts on his life were allegedly engineered by the Central Intelligence
Agency. Three years ago, one Donald Shulz, stating that "the time has
come to take up Castro on his recent proposals to step down in return
for a lifting of the U.S. embargo on Cuba," devised a plan whereby Fidel
and Raul Castro would agree to relinquish power in the spirit of nationalism
and love for the Cuban people. (Shulz, 1993). Details of this settlement
would include a suitable place of exile for the two brothers and the
instigation of plans for economic and political transition. And, as
alluded to earlier, statements have been made concerning the "necessary"
removal of Castro, prior to the establishment of a free market economy.
many opinions have been voiced concerning the invalidity of present
U.S. policy. It has been very noticeable that, while strict measures
have been aimed at bringing down Castro, the Cuban people as a whole
are the ones most severely affected by the embargo. As Purcell (1992)
points out, current policy is also based on the assumption that "Cuba's
continuing economic deterioration will automatically lead to a democratic
and capitalist Cuba."